Monday, May 2, 2011

Wow! April just ended!

It has been such a quick month! and so much has happened. General conference. Ian Turned 8. Ian was baptised. Ian started cub scouts and earned his Bobcat. A whole lot of Ian and I think Ivy felt left out because she has had some really big BIG tantrums partway through the month so we have tried to make the girls feel special as well and I think it helped. Jed has been Very busy finishing up his student teaching and was very sad to leave McNeil High school where he has been teaching/learning since January. Today is his last day of class at UT before graduation and now he is on to the next uphill battle which is to find a job as a teacher in a job market flooded with qualified unemployed candidates while all the excising jobs are being cut. Last night Bin Ladin decided to wrap up April nicely by getting him self killed. Life has been good to us in April. We have enjoyed many wonderful things like family and good friends. Easter and the celebration of our saviors love for us. Lot's and lots of good food. Lot's of reading books that swallow you up all night long and spit you out the next day extremely tired. We've been healthy and have not had to experience any of the triadic natural disasters we have been seeing in the news, most recently the many devastating tornadoes tearing through the southern U. S. All in all I have to say that we are blessed and I thank my God and savior because I know there is so much to be grateful for.