Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Astrid vs. the eye doctor!

Last summer we first noticed that Astrid was a bit cross eyed. We made an appointment and explained to her that a special doctor was going to be looking at her eyes. Because I was terrified of the eye doctor when I was little, I wanted to prepare her for what was coming. Jed and I both did our best to describe the process to her and explained that she might had to wear an eye patch to her her eyes work the same well she had the biggest panic attack of her little life. After about 30 minutes I finally convinced her to stop screaming and calm down enough to tell me why she was so upset. Somehow she had gotten the impression that the eye doctor was going to cut out her eye and give her an eye patch like the kind pirates wear. well I can understand why she freaked. However instead of getting her excited she was now terrified. We then spend a lot of time searching google and YouTube of videos of kids at the eye doctor. We finally found one that sorta worked. She watched that a lot and as long as it was going she was fine but as soon as the video was over she would freak again. In the end time helped and she was less nervous. This first picture is of her in the waiting room after she had her eye drops. Still quite nervous.

Finally! With Astrid sitting on my lab and half hiding her face the Eye doctor quickly figured out what my little bugger needed and she never even had to sit in the chair. This picture is when we were done and Astrid was very happy to have it over with.

Then it was of to Target to pick out her glasses. She was not scared at all this time.

And the final result.

She's a mini me!

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