Friday, September 3, 2010

Puppy Love

I'm not really sure what is going on on this picture, but I do remember that Anna took it and that while she was feeling trigger happy the dog surprised me with one of his violent love attacks.
This next priceless picture was the result.
Can I just tell you that this is Jed's dog? If you do not know the story of how a dog managed to maneuver his way in to my non-dog home then you will have to wait until another time to get it. Let's just suffice to say that I love the dog because it is one of the many ways that I love my husband. If it was not for Jed I would never have kept his ugly self.
I do not like it when he tries to lick me in the face. No I don't! Not at ALL! yuck! Gross!
When the monster gets to playful it is time to pull out the Invincible Chain Dog Toy. (Turns out that the unbreakable chain is not lawnmower resistant!) This chain is the power toy!
The dog loooooooooooooooooves loves loves loves his chain. So I need to get another one.

When Jed hit it with the lawnmower he managed to cut the middle ring so now he has two red ones. They are fun to play with as well but the chain is a dream come true for our pooch.

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