Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Is it just me or does he seem hesitant about that number?
do you like how ghetto the candles are?

Look how buff he is! Birthday boy!
Make a wish!
Not that it is hard to guess what he wanted!
More sleep!
Crazy messy house..sigh.
James need I say more?
hansom Jed.
Anna and Astrid
Ian giving his dad a scary hug.
watch out Jed they are going to get you!
Somehow those pink dresses are not making up for the faces you know.
Alright settle down and have some cake!
The 4th of July cake was such a tasty hit that Jed wanted another one for his birthday.
And I just don't remember what happened here but at least everyone was laughing. That is the problem with blogging so long after the fact.

*So thanks to my awesome coment section, jed has informed me that what happened is that James managed ti dump cake all over Astrid*
Birthday kisses?
James has long arms.
Anna smiles.I love them.


  1. Everyone was laughing because James managed to dump his cake right on Astrid.

  2. Ida-

    Just wanted to know I am really enjoying your blog. Have a great day!!

    -Maryann Mullenbach

  3. Maryann Thank you! It's nice to know that people actually read it And enjoy the process. How are you doing? it's been so very long.
