Monday, September 13, 2010

Mighty Stroller

Oh my goodness.
This kind of stroller is like something out of a dream.
I have no clue (OK a small one, but not getting into that right now) why the stores only sell crappy plastic strollers around here instead of something like this lovely thing.
This was the day I arrived in Denmark, Michael picked me up from the airport, we did not even leave the airport we just went downstairs, jumped on the metro rode for about 5 minutes got out, back up, and walked over to his apartment which you can basically see from where the stairs for the metro come out of the ground. Because the wedding was close at hand and this was the last week of Michael's limited time to do any sort of prep we spend a lot of time cleaning. Michael's polderarbend was that night - this is sort of a surprise bachelor party- Because the night was about making Michael happy they took a break from partying to go and help him paint the bedroom, I had borrowed his house key so I could lock the door when I went to meet Bettina in downtown Koebenhavn (Cobenhagen). Suddenly Michael calls her to inform them that they need the key back so they can get in to paint so my girl time got cut short but i got to spend a little time with my brother helping clean the apartment so it was really pretty nice. And besides, how often do I get the chance to go to a polderarbend for a guy? Heh, Never!
So here he is partying away!
Ah yes so festive is he not?

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