Sunday, September 26, 2010

My other "twins"

I love this picture!
I had it open in a window last week for about 3 days! There is just something very natural and real about it.
Jed and I both grew up with a little brother very close to our own age and we quickly agreed that having a companion sibling like that was something that we definitely wanted for our children as well.
People used to ask us if we had 2 sets of twins and in some ways i almost felt like we did.
I think that the fact that the next round of siblings were a definite pair only helped them see them selves as such. They are the big kids the twins are the little kids. They are in school together The twins are at home together. It's been like that for almost 2 years now. 
This is what Ivy has to say about her brother.

 My brother is silly and he makes me laugh. he's really really funny. He likes to make me flip over on the bed. He makes funny faces. He makes funny noises. He likes to play the Wii. He likes to go to his friends house. He likes to play with me. He likes star wars. He likes to play with Pokemon. I love my brother because he makes me laugh. He says allot of of funny things. My favorite thing to do with my brother is to play games.
This is what Ian has to say about his sister.

My sister Ivy is really funny. Ivy is funny because she makes really funny jokes sometimes they don't make sense at all. Sometimes she gets under her blanket and plays silly games with her dolls. she likes to make funny faces. I like to play games with her. We like to copy what everybody says. Sometimes she tries to make her voice sound like a boy. But she can't really do it. i love her because sometimes she acts like the silliest person. Hug!- That means i like to hug Ivy. 
 Aren't they adorable!
AAAAAAAAAh I just love them!
I hope that they stay close when they grow up. They are in many ways so very different that I do not know what will happen. Especially once they get to high school. For now though they get along well, rarely fight, and often as not can be found falling over each other giggling over the lamest jokes that they make up, and of course you can't but laugh with them.

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