Thursday, September 2, 2010

I love Jed!

This guy is the best. He deserves the best! So I'm trying to be better. I've been getting up at 5.30 in the morning when Jed leaves for work and doing some kind of exercise so I can shower my lard before I have to wake up the kids for school. The result so far is that I'm so dead tired that I can barely function the rest of the day and now we have a sky high pile of laundry. When I'm really tired I become grumpy and if I'm feeling down I tend to self medicate with food......yea, so far this is not going quite as planned.

But! Because I'm so very tired and getting up almost as early as Jed I get to really appreciate just how hard he is working for our family and that makes me in turn want to try harder to be successful. I'm proud to say that when I woke up this morning acing all over knowing that I would not do well in another aerobic activity. I kept trying to convince my self to get up with little sayings like "No pain no gain" then I realized that I could get up and do Yoga instead and even though I'm still so sore all over I feel allot better than I did yesterday and I still got a sweat out of it. In addition I take every opportunity I find through out the day to get a little workout. Eventually it will all start to pay of. Until then I will be lugging around these extra 40 some pounds though. That’s enough to make another 3 year old! I'm carrying around enough fat to sculpt a freaking 3 year old kid! No wonder I've been feeling like pooh. It’s time for it to go away.


  1. This is a great post Ida. Everyone should read it!!!! You have described almost exactly how I feel when I get up at 5:05 to go running with Jen, DEAD TIRED. It's amazing that men have such super metabolism, they can run on 4 hours of sleep and still practically run a marathon with energy to spare...

  2. i'm normaly a night owl so this has been a big ajustment for me.
