Friday, September 3, 2010

The very last gingerbread man.

How sad!
Saying goodbye to good friends is no fun.
The first time we went to the Smiths house we decorated gingerbread men. Ever since then it has just been something we do together. So I was very happy when Janet asked if we would like one last go.
For the last 3 years we've gotten to know and love this wonderful family and we've celebrated holidays together and just really appreciated knowing them.
Anna and Astrid getting creative.
Bennett and Ian were in the same pre-K class and quickly became great chums.
I just love this baby! Give me those cheeks!
Mothers armed with cameras and sprinkles! Be warned!
I wonder how big a percentage of the toppings actually made it unto the cookies.
And the twins. I feel bad that I never could figure out who was who!
I even got to decorate as well. Janet introduced me to Marshmallow Fondant It is soooooo delicious and fun to work with. I think I'm going to make some for the twins birthday cakes. It'll be so good. It depends on time but I'm hopeful. 
This one I took home for Jed
This one was for James
see, the clothes even matches. minus big white buttons, but still!

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