Monday, September 20, 2010

The sad truth about my lard.

look at this super good looking man.
Being such a stud you would think he was married to someone really hot!
But surprise!
He's all mine hahahaha.
cute Astrid bugger.
I love the reflection in her glasses.
See you can grow out your hair and donate it. So why not my lard?
Turns out that no one has been interested in my donation.
So now I have started working very hard on getting rid of my lard the old fashion way.
This morning I felt like soggy noodles. I did my workout but i had the hardest time mostly because my right knee and ankle was hurting every time I started doing much of anything, but mostly because I felt like previous mentioned pasta.
Some days I swim, some days I run 1.3 miles, but most days I use your shape on the Wii
I really like it. Even though it is a far cry from a personal trainer it does tract my movement and analyses which kind of workout will be the most beneficial for me depending on how I preform that day and over all. It offers me a variety of different workouts and is constantly changing the program to make sure I stay challenged. It does not always work out exactly the way it should but I always get a good workout.
I would love to get some more programs for the Wii like Wii Fit
There are so many different ones though.
Just look!
There are so many options! Some of these require the balance board that goes with the Wii fit so make sure you have everything you need to get the game to work before you buy a game.
I would love just about anything for myself, but most of all the Wii fit above. There are several programs designed for kids that I would love love love to get for Christmas or birthdays.
I'm not the only person around here who could use some extra physical activity.

I would also love to get my bike running again and have the trailer hookup working so i can go for a ride with the twins while Ian and ivy are in school. That would be really nice. Especially now that it is finally getting cooler.

(OK I can not figure out why my links are acting all funky because they are straight enough in the editing page, but I finally got them to stack right so I just do not feel like messing with them any more)


  1. What do you mean... Jed is very lucky to be married to such a beautiful and hot woman! :)

    I want to get some of those WII Fit games... I need a WII first though.

  2. Oh thanks! I miss you!
    We got lucky and got ours for christmas last year.

  3. I love your posts Ida. You are very beautiful!

    I am trying to lose my lard. I wish I could just sit in the sauna and have it melt down like butter...that should work right then I could sweat it out. I am starting the lard reduction diet then moving my lard in a rigourous way to make it uncomfortable and want to leave.

  4. I love that! make it uncomfortable! Nice.
    I keep hoping that instead of getting a sunburn on my skin that I could somehow transfer it to my fat. How very satisfying it would to peel of a few layers of that after a hot day in the sun.
